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Oklahoma Board of Nursing Appointment Opportunities
Submit Your Consent to Serve ASAP!

ONA is seeking candidates to be considered for appointment by the Governor to The Oklahoma Board of Nursing for a 5 year term. The opening is for the appointment of two LPNs. To be considered as a candidate LPN must be licensed in the state of Oklahoma, have no less than five years of experience, be a US citizen and Oklahoma resident for the previous three years, engaged in the practice of nursing and live in one of the designated geographical districts of 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 or 8 along with other specific requirements listed below. One must be from Long Term care and one must be from a county with a population of less than 40,000. See the Board Criteria for the list of counties.  

In addition, the nurse must be able to meet the board member time requirements listed on Board Criteria linked below.

All nurses wishing to be considered for an appointment to the OBON need to fill out and submit the form provided below no later than August 20, 2024.

Submit Your Consent to Serve Form

6608 N. Western, #627 | Oklahoma City, OK 73116

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